Tag Archives: fitness & lifestyle blog

Training When You Don’t Feel Like Training

Two days in a row? What is this malarky? Basically sorcery, as far as I’m concerned.

Today, I want to get into the topic of training and going to the gym when you don’t feel like it. I consider myself incredibly lucky, as I don’t typically lack the motivation to workout. It is something I genuinely not only enjoy, but look forward to doing; however, I know that this is not the case for a lot of people.

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Skill Work & The End of the Open

Happy Hump Day! Where does the time go? I could ask Daylight Savings Time, since that happened not that long ago and I am one of about 16 people who appreciates it. That extra hour means I actually get to leave work and have not only daylight, but sunshine. Hooray!

The last week of the Open is here! It’s insane how quickly these five weeks have flown by, and overall I’ve been very happy with how I’ve done. In my region (Northern California) in the scaled division, I am in 24th place. Not bad out of 865 people! This last workout, 16.4, was as follows:

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16.1 – Glutes, Glutes & More Glutes

It’s March! Holy crap! What happened?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For starters, 16.1 happened last Friday. Man, was that one tough workout. For those of you wondering, 16.1 = the first workout in the CrossFit Open this year (16 = 2016, .1 = the first workout of 5). The RX’ed version was as follows:

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The CrossFit Open – What is it, and why should I do it?

Hey! Happy Monday!

Today might seem like any other regular Monday, but this week is a little different as it’s a big one for the CrossFit community. Why, you ask?


So, what exactly is the Open? 

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Super Bowl Weekend

…And just like that, the weekend is over. As an adult I am realizing how quickly time flies, and it seems to speed up at a rate of about three times as quickly when it involves having time off from work.

How was your Super Bowl weekend? Despite the fact that it was held in my area, I had nothing to do with it other than enjoying how quiet the roads were mid afternoon. Fun fact: while they were advertising it as being in San Francisco, the actual game was held in Santa Clara, which is closer to San Jose, which is approximately 45 miles south of downtown San Francisco. So, the joke’s on you tourists…you didn’t actually go to San Francisco for the Super Bowl, you went to Santa Clara. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, I know.

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Just Jerkin’ It

Happy Wednesday, everyone. I don’t typically like to inundate people with clichés like “happy hump day”, so I won’t. Except I think I inadvertently just did. Whoops.

How is your week going? Fantastically, I hope. After a long bought of feeling like I would never be back to 100%, I think I’m on the road to full recovery. I believe I mentioned this last time, but one of my goals this month was to really clean up my diet – I eat pretty well for the most part (probably better than about 90% of the general population), but I know that there are still some areas for improvement. I’m happy to say that I’ve been doing quite well – lots more veggies, more protein and fewer carbs. I definitely look leaner (the scale says I’m down ~7 lbs, but I am very wary of scales), my body just feels good, and I think I’ve slipped up twice – once when I was sick, and once after the Chase Rice concert my boyfriend and I went to. Best part was, I wasn’t worried about it, and I moved on. So yes, the tired myth of “increasing your fats and proteins while cutting out carbs” works. Don’t completely cut out carbs (you need them!), but I would suggest trying to incorporate more greens and veggies as your carb sources. Or not, you do you.

The biggest goal though was to cut out added sugar. Right now, I’m only getting sugar from fruit for the most part, and I haven’t craved sweets in a long time.

Speaking of added sugar –  have you noticed it’s in absolutely everything? Even milk?!

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Recovery Is A (Slow) Process

Happy Martin Luther King Day! I’m fortunate to have the day off of work, and I totally forget that it was a three day weekend until HR sent out an email on Friday reminding us there was no work today – talk about an awesome surprise.

I’m sitting at the gym typing this, and I wanted to talk about recovery. As I’m sure you know, recovery is a crucial part to getting stronger and fitter – probably just as important as actually putting in work at the gym. If you never let something rest, you are not letting it heal, and just as you need to make sure you get enough sleep at night to recharge, you need to let your body recharge in between workouts.

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The Flu, New Programming & The Open

Hot damn, it’s been a minute. I think I should add regular blog posts to my list of goals to accomplish for the New Year!

I’ve been dealing with a terrible flu since last Monday (January 4th) that sidelined me from life for about a week. I’m not sure why I’ve been getting sick so much this year, but it’s starting to tick me off. I came down with a slight cold on Christmas, but it was clearing up until last week when I started to feel pretty crappy Monday evening. Tuesday morning I had a fever, and Wednesday morning I went to urgent care with a fever of 102.5°. They gave me a mask to wear (because I was so disgusting), and my boyfriend pointed out my uncanny resemblance to Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat.


I know what I’m being for Halloween.

It was absolutely miserable…I don’t think I’ve ever been that sick in my life. Today (Thursday the 14th) is the first time I’ve worked out in 10 days, and that was rough.

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New Year Goals

Where did 2015 go?! Apparently the new year is right around the corner, so I guess that means I need to start setting some goals.

Before we get to the goal setting, I wanted to share some updates in my life, although when I say “my life” I am pretty much entirely referring to my gym life…which is kind of my only life. I’m not mad about it.

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Barbells & Birthdays

Happy Friday! This is probably one of the most exciting Fridays of the year, because next week is a short week due to Christmas – I’m extremely lucky that my company will be closed from Christmas Eve through Monday, January 4th, which means I get the entire week after Christmas off!

Yesterday, I turned 29. Continue reading